
Bill Gibson’s mediation style and success at resolving disputes has earned him a loyal following in the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area and throughout Oregon and Washington. Call 503-307-1676 today to make an appointment

What is Mediation:

Mediation cases are a private and informal way of settling a dispute without relying on a legal judgment issued by a judge or jury. The parties involved in mediation meet with a neutral third party to reach a mutually agreeable solution that will end a conflict. Parties are not forced to agree to a solution in mediation. Rather, the mediator facilitates communication to help the parties reach a mutual agreement.

mediation2Advantages of Mediation

In some situations, mediation may be preferable to filing a lawsuit. Mediation provides the following advantages:

  • Confidentiality. There are a few exceptions, but what the parties say during mediation is confidential and not subject to the future use in a lawsuit. Court cases, on the other hand, are matters of public record.
  • Costs less than a lawsuit. Mediation cases cost substantially less than court costs and attorney fees.
  • Faster resolution than going to court. Lawsuits may take years to result in a court ruling, but mediation can take as little as a few hours or a few sessions.
  • The parties decide. The parties in mediation, not a judge or jury, decide on the resolution.
  • The parties communicate directly. Rather than communicating through lawyers, the parties speak directly to each other.

Bill has successfully mediated personal injury claims and insurance disputes, as well as business, real estate and employment cases.

Call 503-307-1676 for more information.